The next few days were a whirlwind of visits including trips to see Claudia’s dad, all three of our kids and all 9 grandchildren. Then it was an overdue trip to the tire store to replace our car tires. The car may not be driven as much while we travel but the tires sure get a beating being pulled behind the motor home. On only our second weekend back, we enjoyed a BBQ right here at Camp Sawash with most of our kids and grandkids joining us as well as most members of my sister’s family. It was a great day and a great time. Traveling like we do, you can’t help but notice how much the kids grow up, both in size and maturity after a 9 month absence. They are all such great kids and we’re very proud of their parents.
During our stay we kept busy with many of the chores that needed to be done while we were here including a repair job on our water panel and annual maintenance to the RV. We also had some routine maintenance as well as a couple of unexpected problems completed on the car. Better here than on the road, I guess. Unfortunately, the ladder we’ve been waiting for was once again the wrong one. Now we have to wait until we return to Texas and try to find one and have it installed there.
We also took a trip out to Dennison Lake State Recreation Area in Winchendon, MA for a visit with our families where they spent the weekend camping. We were able to see some of our family that we hadn’t seen yet and had a great time visiting and enjoying a pot luck dinner with everyone.
On Father’s Day we celebrated here at Camp Sawash with all of our kids and grandkids as well as all of my sister’s kids and grandkids for a day of fun, food and laughter. We started the day off with a scavenger hunt in order to “reveal” to my daughter’s kids that they will be heading to Disney in six more days. Unbelievable excitement and so much fun to watch. We truly have a fantastic group of individuals in our family and it’s so much fun to sometimes just sit back and watch them. We love them all!
I was able to make two trips down to the cape to visit my mom while we were here and loved every minute with her. She is our website’s biggest fan and follows our updates on a daily basis. If it wasn’t for her, I’m not sure how often I’d be posting the updates. She loves to hear what we’re up to, where we are, and even what our camp sites look like. This web site has evolved based on many of my conversations with her.
It’s now time to begin a new adventure to new locations. It seems so long since we’ve been on one. For the last year our travel has been primarily between Texas and Massachusetts as we established our new winter home in Texas. But now it’s time to explore new places once again. We have such an exciting trip planned this year and to top it off, we’ll be seeing many of our friends, both old and new along the way. We are very much looking forward to the summer ahead. Keep your eyes on our web site to see what we’re up to and where we are. Everyone travel safe and we’ll see many of you this summer.