Since arriving back here in southern Texas just over five weeks ago, we have pretty much resumed our normal winter activities. These have included doctor & dentist appointments, errands that need taking care of but most of all, enjoying the environment we live in with gorgeous weather, great friends, and lots to do. This includes dinners out, many happy hours, tennis, water volleyball and any other of the many social activities that keep us busy.
Our future this winter will only get better as more and more friends arrive. In the meantime, among the other things I mentioned, Claudia and I have been preparing for this season’s bowling league which we will continue to organize. We also have a cruise that we will be taking in late November through early December with several of our Sandpiper friends. This is a Panama Canal cruise and includes stops in many ports that neither Claudia or I have been to.
I’ll post again following our cruise to let you know how it goes. In the meantime, stay safe and happy. Life is too good!!
Friday, 12/23/2022 – Hello everyone!! I thought it was about time I checked back in and gave you all an update on what has been happening in our lives.
We did take a cruise as I mentioned before and it turned out to be wonderful. After flying to Panama City, we spent a night at a very nice hotel where we met up with the other four couples we were traveling with and began the week with a great happy hour and dinner at the hotel. The following morning, we took a shuttle bus to Colon, Panama, on the other side of country where we boarded the Norwegian Jewel, our home for the next ten days. The cruise was all we could hope for and made stops in Columbia, Aruba, Bonaire, Curacao, and Costa Rica before making the trip back to Panama City by way of the Panama Canal. We took tours by bus, rail, and water to see and enjoy some of the best sites at each port of call. That final day as we made the trip through the canal, we enjoyed some spectacular views of the canal from one of the best seats on board the ship, the balcony of the stateroom of two of our friends. While passing through the canal we enjoyed the company of all ten of our friends on board the ship while relaxing and sipping champagne. All in all, it was a remarkable trip with some great friends. It does not get any better than that.
Unfortunately, since returning to our home in Texas, we’ve both been suffering a bit from colds. Claudia has had it the worst and is finally starting to feel normal. During this time, we haven’t been doing too much but we have been able to enjoy some of the Christmas activities. There’s always something going on that keeps us in the Christmas spirit.
Our weather has not been as nice as usual and we’re getting ready for a multi-day freeze but by the new year we’ll be back into our normal temps of 70’s and 80’s.
We have posted the pictures from our cruise on the Photo Album page so be sure to take a look at those if you’d like. We hope you all have a great holiday season and we wish you all a very happy and healthy new year!!
Sunday, 4/9/2023 – And just like that… another winter in paradise begins to fade into the sunset. Our last update was made following out Panama Canal cruise in November and December. Once again, we enjoyed a winter with dozens of our friends as we played, dined and drank our way through our off season. In addition to our usual activities, this winter’s highlights included another great bowling season, Claudia’s performance as a judge in our annual play and a tour of SpaceX along with about 40 of our friends.
But now it is time to prepare for our tenth year on the road. As a reminder, in May, 2023 we sold our home in Lexington, Massachusetts and have been travelling in our motor home every year since then. We have traveled through 46 states including Alaska as well as most of Canada. We have been to most of the National Parks in this country as well as many in Canada. We’ve visited State Parks, Provincial Parks, Historic Landmarks, Tourist Traps and destinations we hadn’t ever heard of. It’s been the adventure we could only dream of and it’s all we could have imagined plus more. And the best part is, it is not over yet.
We’ve recently finalized our road trip plans for 2023. With all the travelling we’ve done over the past nine plus years we have not visited New Jersey, Maine, Vermont and Hawaii. Luckily for us we visited Hawaii by cruise ship in 2010 so since we can’t drive there, we’re counting that. With that said, we’re going to complete our visit to all 50 states this trip. Our primary target this season has been on our bucket list since we hit the road. We’ll be heading to the Maritimes where we plan to spend about two months in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland. We’ll be taking it slow as usual as we travel about 8,400 miles in the motor home this season. We’ll stop for visits with family, friends and more places we haven’t been to as we make our way to and from the Maritimes. We are very excited about this year’s itinerary. We’ll post a copy of it here on our web site now and then again on our “Where Are We” section once we hit the road.
We’ll be heading off on May 1st and until then will be keeping busy preparing. Many of our friends, both old and new have already left our park for the season so things have quieted down around here significantly. Our plan is to post at least every two weeks so please join us as Claudia and I enjoy our tenth year on the road together. We know how lucky we are to be able to live this dream and hope to share a piece of it with you.
Stay tuned for updates!! Three weeks till take off!!