Our first year on the road... 5/2013 - 10/2014
-- The Year of Alaska --
Alaska, northwest of Canada, is the largest and most sparsely populated U.S. state. It's known for its dramatic, diverse terrain of wide-open spaces, mountains and forests, with abundant wildlife and many small towns. Bears larger than bison, national parks the size of nations, and glaciers bigger than other US states. The word ‘epic’ barely does Alaska justice.
Our 2013 - 2014 journey... 17,016 miles!!
(5/18/2013 - 10/7/2014)
A summary of our trip through Canada & Alaska!!
5,432 total miles from the Washington border until our return at the Montana border!!
(5/30/2014 - 7/18/2014)
Our 2013 & 2014 campgrounds!!